Leader of the Hungarian opposition

Leader of the Hungarian opposition

Tomáš Strážay was a guest on the radio show Z prvej ruky (RTVS).
Photo by Martin Katler on Unsplash

SFPA Director Tomáš Strážay and Gregor Martin Papucsek (Budapest correspondent of Radio Slovakia, RTVS) were guests of Maroš Kušnier on 5 October 2021 in the program Z prvej ruky, prepared by RTVS.

Although the parliamentary elections in Hungary are still a few months away, our southern neighbors are already voting now. A coalition of six opposition parties is choosing a common leader to oppose Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in the spring. What are the motives of the opposition, who has the upper hand in the so-called primaries, and does the united bloc stand a chance of competing with Fidesz?

Moderator: Maroš Kušnier. The debate is prepared by RTVS – Slovak Radio, Radio Slovakia, SRo1. We broadcast every weekday at 12:30 on Radio Slovakia.

RTVS Archive:

or https://www.rtvs.sk/radio/archiv/1175/1657161


