Clinching Neighbors: Ukraine on the Path into Europe

Clinching Neighbors: Ukraine on the Path into Europe

The project is focusing on addressing two crucial things related to each other – propaganda and extremism. These issues are addressed in its entirety by proving qualitative interactive seminars with researchers, analysts, and civil society leaders dealing with both issues.

The project is focusing on addressing two crucial things related to each other – propaganda and extremism. These issues are addressed in its entirety by proving qualitative interactive seminars with researchers, analysts, and civil society leaders dealing with both issues. To add more value to the project, the personnel is dominantly coming from Ukraine and while debating the seminar leaders and their audience have a chance to compare both countries’ efforts to address and tackle crucial issues of today. By addressing these issues in front of young high school students the project aims at closing the knowledge gap and helping to raise a well-informed group of future leaders of Slovakia.


25.10.2016, Myroslava Lendel, Výzvy a príležitosti súčasnej Ukrajiny /
Challenges and Opportunities of Contemporary Ukraine, Gymnázium Ľudovíta Štúra, Zvolen

26.10.2016, Olexiy Haran, Súčasné výzvy pre Ukrajinu / Current Challenges for Ukraine, Gymnázium Juraja Hronca, Bratislava

18.11.2016, Dmytro Dubov, Ruská propaganda na Ukrajine / Russian Propaganda in Ukraine, Gymnázium sv. Tomáša Akvinského, Košice

24.04.2017, Olga Iurková, Debunking lies and stopping fakes: lessons from Ukraine, Gymnázium Dubnica nad Váhom

25.04.2017, Ľudmila Verbická, O Ukrajine, Gymnázium A. H. Škultétyho, Veľký Krtíš

27.04.2017, Yevgeniya Tyukhtenko, Exposing and Countering Fake News About Ukraine in Russian Media, Bilingválne gymnázium Milana Hodžu, Sučany

05.06.2017, Maryna Vorotnyuk, Russian Disinformation in Ukraine – the European Context / Ruské dezinformácie na Ukrajine – Európsky kontext, Gymnázium duklianských hrdinov, Svidník

06.06.2017, Maryna Vorotnyuk, Russian Disinformation in Ukraine – the European Context / Ruské dezinformácie na Ukrajine – Európsky kontext, Gymnázium Snina

12.06.2017, Ľudmila Verbická, O Ukrajine, 1. Súkromná obchodná akadémia, Nitra

15.06.2017, Ľudmila Verbická, O Ukrajine, Gymnázium 17. novembra, Topoľčany