Positions of Political Parties and Movements in Slovakia on the European Green Deal

Authors: Veronika Oravcová, Radka Vicenová, Ivan Štulajter, Timotej Kováčik
This publication is available in the Slovak language.
The fight against climate change has entered public discourse in Slovakia in recent years. This complex topic has a strong European context, and the perspectives of domestic political parties help to complete the picture of the quality of Slovakia’s political landscape. This analysis summarizes the positions of political parties on the European Green Deal and the policies that its implementation requires from individual member states. To capture the views of political parties and movements on the European Green Deal as broadly and comprehensively as possible, the authors based the analysis on three types of data: parliamentary debates, party press releases, and media coverage. The analysis is divided into eight chapters, each representing one of the main areas of the European Green Deal: climate, energy, waste management, buildings, air, ecosystem, agriculture, and mobility.