Energy Policy and Climate Change

Energy Policy and Climate Change

The Energy Policy and Climate Change research program focuses on current issues of energy and climate policy in Slovakia and the region of Central Europe, especially in the context of the development of any EU policies. The program focuses on issues of energy security and energy transition and the challenges within the sector, such as decarbonisation or increasing the share of renewables. An important part of the program is the Central European Energy Conference (CEEC), which aims to create a platform for negotiation of key players in the energy sector of Central European countries and at the same time contribute to finding better solutions in the field of energy and climate policy. SFPA is also a member of the V4 Energy Think Tank Platform, which is a permanent network of think tanks facilitating energy-related and policy-oriented research and analysis with a regional focus, building on its member institutions’ expertise in energy studies.


Jitka Ivančíková

Executive Director SFPA

Alexander Duleba

Senior Research Fellow

Nolan Theisen

Senior Research Fellow for Energy and Climate Policy


The Visegrad Four countries’ responses to the energy crisis
The Visegrad Four countries’ responses to the energy crisis

With the aim of strengthening cooperation among the think tanks of the Visegrad countries in the field of energy, as well as promoting dialogue between the academic sector and decision-makers in this area, REKK (HU) as coordinator, along with SFPA (SK), the Instytut Jagielloński (PL) and AMO (CZ) as partners, have initiated the launching of the V4 Energy Think Tank Platform (V4ETTP) as a permanent think tank cooperation platform focusing on energy, operating from 2018. In 2022 the Polish partnership was taken over by the Centre for Eastern Studies, OSW.


Ukraine towards Carbon Neutrality (U_CAN)
Ukraine towards Carbon Neutrality (U_CAN)

Horizon Europe project with a vision to seamlessly integrate Ukrainian cities into the collective vision of European Green Deal

V4 Energy Think Tank Platform
V4 Energy Think Tank Platform

V4ETTP is a platform – permanent network – of think tanks facilitating energy-related and policy-oriented research and analysis with a regional focus, building on its member institutions’ expertise in energy studies.

Thinking beyond national borders for renewable energy solutions in Central Europe
Thinking beyond national borders for renewable energy solutions in Central Europe

In order to be successful in energy transition, Slovakia should build new forms of regional cooperation, while also enhancing climate policies, especially the deployment of renewables and energy efficiency measures.


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