We aim to
– train Ukrainian governmental officials responsible for implementing the section of the Association Agreement that deals with harmonizing national legislation with the EU energy acquis, particularly energy efficiency and the use of renewables. The training will include lessons learnt from transposing EU legislation into the national legislations of Visegrad countries
– provide training for Ukrainian municipal leaders on EU legislation and programs, Slovak and Czech national legislation and policy to improve energy efficiency at the municipal level. This will include lessons learnt from projects successfully implemented at the municipal level in Slovakia and best practices
– raise public awareness and enhance public knowledge in Ukraine of EU policies on energy efficiency and the use of renewables, with reference to the experiences of Visegrad Four countries.
We will organize
1. Four training sessions in Kyiv for Ukrainian government officials
National experts from V4 countries will deliver presentations on V4 experiences of energy efficiency. Each V4 expert will hold a one-day seminar on his/her country’s experience of implementing the EU legislation, developing national policies and programs for energy efficiency and the use of renewables.
2. Five-day training session in the Czech Republic for 20 Ukrainian municipal leaders
Seminar involving Czech and Slovak experts
An overview of EU and Czech policies, programs by the European Association of Energy Cities, Covenant of Mayors, Action Plans for sustainable energy in towns and municipalities, innovative financing schemes implemented in Czech cities and regions, the latest approaches to improving the energy efficiency of buildings, regional and municipal energy management systems – multilevel EM systems, improving public awareness of energy efficiency and forging links between municipalities and local inhabitants.
Field trips: learning best practices
Field trips to successful projects mainly relating to municipalities with central heating systems, the modernization of public lighting, the insulation of buildings etc.
3. Energy efficiency fair at a Ukrainian regional center on projects implemented in Slovakia (Lviv)
A small one-day fair of presentations on Slovak energy efficiency and renewables projects, which will form part of the seminar and will involve one or two Slovak and Ukrainian experts.
4. Regional high-level event for municipalities, experts and the general public
The aim of this high-level event is to share V4 countries’ experiences of energy efficiency and the use of renewables with the Ukraine energy community, regional and municipal administrations, businesses, NGOs and the media. The one-day event will consist of three main panels (panel 1: V4 national and regional government officials; panel 2: V4 experts, and panel 3: Ukrainian experts). The event will be open to the general public.
5. Five-day training session in Slovakia for 20 Ukrainian municipal leaders
Seminars with Slovak experts
An overview of EU and Slovak policies, programs by the European Association of Energy Cities, Covenant of Mayors, Action Plans on sustainable energy in towns and municipalities, innovative financing schemes implemented in Slovak towns and regions, the latest approaches to improving the energy efficiency of buildings, regional and municipal energy management systems – multilevel EM systems, raising public awareness and ensuring municipalities and residents work together in pursuit of energy efficiency.
Field trips: learning best practices
On the field trips delegates will visit successful projects, particularly those relating to municipalities with central heating systems, the modernization of public lighting, the insulation of buildings etc.
6. Five-day training session for 20 Ukrainian governmental officials in Slovakia
Seminar involving Slovak experts
An overview of EU and Slovak policies, programs by the European Association of Energy Cities, the Covenant of Mayors initiative in Slovakia, Action Plans for sustainable energy in towns and municipalities, innovative financing schemes in Slovak towns and regions, the latest approaches to improving the energy efficiency of buildings (passive heating, passive lighting, passive cooling, etc.), regional and municipal energy management systems – multilevel EM systems, raising public awareness and ensuring municipalities and residents work together in pursuit of energy efficiency.
Field trips: learning best practices
Field trips to successful projects, particularly those relating to municipalities with central heating systems, the modernization of public lighting, the insulation of buildings etc.
7. A book on V4 experiences of energy efficiency (in Ukrainian and English)
The aim of the publication is to share V4 experiences with the energy community in Ukraine. It will be authored by the V4 experts conducting the training modules.
Latest activities:
- 18/06/2017 – Training module for representatives of UA municipalities in Slovakia II
- 18/09/2016 – Training module for representatives of Ukrainian state institutions
- 15/05/2016 – Training module for representatives of Ukrainian municipalities in the Czech Republic
- 17/04/2016 – Training module for representatives of UA municipalities
- 26/02/2016 – Promoting energy efficiency in Ukraine: the best practices from Slovakia
- 25/02/2016 – Visegrad 4 Ukraine: improving energy efficiency (workshop)
- 17/12/2015 – Experience of Poland (seminar)
- 10/12/2015 – Experience of Hungary (seminar)
- 03/12/2015 – Experience of Slovak Republic (seminar)
- 26/11/2015 – Experience of Czech Republic in energy efficiency (seminar)
Quarterly monitoring energy efficiency measures in Ukraine:
- First quarter 2016 (PDF)
- Second quarter 2016 (PDF)
- Third quarter 2016 (PDF)
- Fourth quarter 2016 (PDF)
- First quarter 2017 (PDF)
- Second quarter 2017 (PDF)
Publication – Energy Efficiency [V]4 Ukraine


Institutional partners: